Personalized Flag Information - Page 2

Step 2: Enter flag information.

Please select the first color for the printing on the flag

Please select the second color for the printing on the flag

(Note: placement of colors is left to manufacturer's discretion. Click here for pallet of colors.)

In the box below this line please enter the words you would like used in place of "St. Bernadette"

In the box below this line please enter the words you would like used in place of "Sabers"

What is the total number of flags being ordered on this page ?

If you have more than 12 flags please complete this form for the first 12, and then submit another form.

For each flag, enter the words you would like used in place of "Hultz", and then enter the uniform # you would like used in place of "24" (enter "none" to leave uniform # blank). The total number of names listed must equal the total number of flags.

Player Name Uniform #

Step 3: Enter order information.

Your Name

Your Email Address

Phone Number we can reach you at during the day (include area code)

By sending this form you have not created an order for the flag. You have only supplied us with the information we need once your order is received. You may place the official order for the flag either via phone (1-800-876-8858) or via our on-line store.

Please select one of the following:

In the box below please enter the name that will be on the order. If the order will be via phone or internet store, enter the name that is on the credit card. If the order will be via a school purchase order please enter the School or District name as it appears on the purchase order.